Kelvin General Trading

Creating a better

Pillars of a Sustainable Lifestyle

We strive to bring sustainability into every aspect of your life, from eco-friendly bags and disposable cutlery to environmentally friendly stationery. You won't need to worry about plastic trash with our ecological stationery line because it is made of plantable jute. Similar to how our bags may be used for a variety of purposes and multiple times, throwaway cutlery is the ideal substitute for its plastic equivalent at quick-service and delivery restaurants. Because natural resources are limited and sustainability is the way of the future, we make sure that the environmental impact of where we get our raw materials is as little as possible.

All of our goods are manufactured from recycled, compostable, and biodegradable materials. This enables you to reduce your carbon footprint.

About US

We are Working world With 15+ Years

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  • Client happiness
  • World-class service
  • Client happiness
  • World-class service

Maecenas tempus, tellus eget condime honcus sem quam semper libero sit amet adipiscingem neque sed imquam nunullam quis ante. Etiam sit amet orci.

  • Client happiness
  • World-class service
  • Client happiness
  • World-class service
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